About Us
Edit this text with details about your services or company. In a Mobi | Hybrid type template you will not want to add any large images, Flash animations or Javascript applications to maintain compatibility for mobile devices. This template is HTML5 coded and should only have HTML5 type applications added to it. Optionally, you can setup your website using any Allwebco website template and place this Mobi | Hybrid template in a subdirectory. You can then add a link on your homepage that links to the mobi template in your folder to allow a choice for mobi users to view your website. Edit this text with details about your services or company. In a Mobi | Hybrid type template you will not want to add any large images, Flash animations or Javascript applications to maintain compatibility for mobile devices. This template is HTML5 coded and should only have HTML5 type applications added to it. Optionally, you can setup your website using any Allwebco website template and place this Mobi | Hybrid template in a subdirectory. You can then add a link on your homepage that links to the mobi template in your folder to allow a choice for mobi users to view your website. Contact Us |